“Story telling has been a strong influence in my work”
Behar discusses narrative and its role in Design, particularly in relation to value, defined in two different ways: the ethics to attitudes imbued in a certain design process, and the economic value of the finished product. Behar’s talk is about creating value in the work you do. Behar believes that by creating this value you can then change the companies you’re working for and create a different relationship with the world. His strong ideals on designing from inside out contradict what many engineers requests to make things pretty. Not about just making skins for products Behar has started from the inside out with products like the jawbone headset. Removing all the inside parts he could then create jewelry for the face.
Taking all these things into account, however, I would have to ask whether he is really instilling good 'values' into his work. A majority of the designs he discussed were promotional and gimmicky, not something people would genuinely use for a long time. I got the sense he was using 'ethics' and 'values' more as a marketing jargon and less as a genuine attempt to make the world a better place through story telling and design.
In Don Norman’s talk on emotional design, he suggests that, different to the ‘form follows function’ rhetoric left from Modernism, that we are emotionally driven towards and away from objects, and that these sentiments often have very little to do with the function of a particular object. Norman suggests there are three levels of emotional reaction to design. Norman talks about the visceral level of design, how we physically and immediately respond to colour, typeface, the general appearance and ‘beauty’ of the objects. The next, subconscious level is the behavioural level, how we react to the object. Is it automatic. The like to feel in control. Finally, reflective is the “super ego”. It’s buying a product to receive attention, either positive or negative from other people. It is necessary for all designers to consider these aspects when designing products. I found it interesting to see the instant reactions from the audience when certain products were shown. I particularly like the claw chair by Jake Cress. The chair has dropped it’s ball and is trying to grab it before any one notices. The chair evokes an emotional response from the viewer. And also interestingly, the audience instantly believes this story.
*Image from http://www.jakecress.com/picture_gallery.htm
The Good Design task was a challenging way to look into what really makes good design good. Having never used computer programs to create a poster before, I found this task particularly challenging. Being told to concentrate on the design aspects and not the technical specifications allowed me to thoroughly appreciate this design.
David Kelly’s Human centered design video. The video focused on design that looks at human behaviours and personalities rather than just the product.
The range of the designs in the video were fascinating. From the innovations at Prada including the “magic mirror” that reflects with a three second delay allowing the user to turn and see how they look from behind, alongside the remote control that the user can scan clothing items and then have them displayed on the nearest screen or even footage of the clothing item out on the catwalk displayed. To the work of Dr. Martin Fisher in Kenya with deep well, low cost pumps to enable farmers to grow crops in the off season. And all the designs inbetween including an attempt at creating the ideal office cubicle complete with hammock and sunflower that wilts when the occupant leaves. Also, the Spyfish, a consumer product, not a research tool, that allows the user to remotely control an underwater camera giving the views usually restricted to a scuba diver, without the need to get wet.
I feel this video is important for designers to view as a reminder to keep human interest in design and not just focus on the product to be designed.